Why Public Relations?
A strategic public relations campaign is essential for building consumer awareness of a new book, product, or brand by developing and distributing relevant and timely information and messages, preserving and promoting brand identity, and controlling and responding to the general public and media in a professional and consistent manner.
A strategic public relations campaign enhances any established marketing and advertising campaign, as it provides media exposure to key audiences that might not be reached otherwise. Equally important is the fact that coverage in newspapers, magazines, and on the Internet, radio, or television carries the endorsement of a third-party, which gives your product valuable credibility with consumers.

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Why Trina Kaye?
Trina has the experience, skills, and resources to develop and implement a dynamic and successful strategic public relations campaign that will increase consumer awareness and promote brand identity.
As Trina likes to say “no one knows about you if no one knows about you.”
Contact Trina at TrinaKaye@tkopr.com